Celebrating our 2 CNN Heroes: Najah Bazzy and Jeanine Patten-Coble

Najah Bazzy featured as a CNN Hero
Click to read CNN’s coverage of Najah and her inspiring work with Zaman International.

As draws to a close, we are honored that we have been able to publish two CNN Heroes.

What is the CNN Heroes program?

Currently co-hosted by Anderson Cooper and Kelly Ripa, the annual Heroes campaign is one way the news network uses its nationwide influence to highlight and encourage those men and women who make a difference in their communities. Started in , each year’s 10 Heroes begin by receiving CNN-quality coverage on the network (and on its website). Then, a live TV special in December honors the heroes. The heroes all return home from the big night at CNN with donations for their ongoing work.

2019 Najah Bazzy and Zaman International

The Beauty of Ramadan by Najah Bazzy book cover
Click the cover to visit Amazon.

Enjoy CNN’s coverage of Najah’s work with Zaman International. Then, here’s a live news item on Twitter from the evening of the broadcast, .

As the founding editor of our publishing house, which is based in Michigan, I began covering Najah as a journalist many years before we founded Front Edge in . Najah’s first book was a guidebook to the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, including information valuable to parents, educators, health care professionals and other community leaders. That title is: The Beauty of Ramadan—A Guide to the Muslim Month of Prayer and Fasting for Muslims and non-Muslims.

In Nshallah, or God willing—we will publish Najah’s memoir capturing many of the life-changing stories from her long career as a nurse—and a nationally known expert in cross-cultural health care—and, now, as head of Zaman. Want to learn more right now? Here is Zaman’s own website.

Want an update when her memoir appears? Keep in touch! Have you signed up for our free weekly newsletter? Scroll down to the bottom of the Blog section of our website and you’ll find an easy option to get these occasional updates from us.

Jeanine Patten-Coble and Little Pink Houses of Hope

Struck by Hope book by Jeanine Patten-Coble
Click the cover to visit Amazon.

In , CNN featured Jeanine Patten-Coble’s amazing story of transforming her struggle with cancer into a nationwide program that helps other families facing similar struggles: Little Pink Houses of Hope.

Here is CNN’s coverage of Jeanine’s personal story and her work with Little Pink.

Here’s what you will find in Jeanine’s memoir, Struck by Hope: The day after a diagnosis of breast cancer, Jeanine Patten-Coble was struck with a calling that turned her world upside down. In this book, she weaves her tale of running away from that calling—to finding her purpose. Her vision led her to found Little Pink Houses of Hope and a way for cancer patients to find hope in weeklong family retreats. In this book, she invites us along on this journey toward becoming ridiculously present. She includes questions for personal reflection and group discussion.

Good media builds healthy communities

That core belief is our signature strength at Front Edge. New authors—individual writers as well as major organizations hoping to publish books—welcome our team’s approach to publishing. At the core of our work is the belief that books represent a community between two covers—and publishing a book can help to energize, unite and grow our communities.

Think about your own work—and the work of your organization. Have you got a story to tell in the form of a book? Contact us, please.

Here’s an earlier column that explains this core belief in more detail.

About David Crumm

David Crumm is founding Editor of Front Edge Publishing. Nationally, he is known as a veteran journalist—a top writer and editor—with experience both in the U.S. and overseas. He is based in Canton, Michigan, where he also serves as Editor of Read the Spirit online magazine. His columns on trends in media appear twice a month on our Front Edge Publishing website.

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