Our Commitment to Religious and Cultural Diversity Shines in Beauty of Ramadan

The Beauty of Ramadan by Najah Bazzy book cover
Click the cover to visit the book’s Amazon page. At the end of this column, you also will find other links to order the book.

Among the strengths of Front Edge Publishing is our ability to bring authors of many religious and cultural backgrounds together in a single community of writers. Big Five publishers usually separate diverse authors into a smaller imprints. Since its founding in , however, Front Edge has demonstrated the strength of having authors work together to build a national audience of readers who are eager to cut across religious and cultural dividing lines.

As Ramadan begins in , we are highlighting one of our most valuable Islamic books: The Beauty of RamadanThis book was written by the internationally celebrated cross-cultural nurse and peace activist Najah Bazzy. In , she was honored as an American hero by the CNN network for her work at Zaman International, a nonprofit she co-founded to help at-risk women and children through a wide range of programs. She also was recently featured in PEOPLE magazine’s Women Changing the World in .

Najah Bazzy’s overall mission in life is teaching people about Islam and the deep compassion that lies at the heart of all the Abrahamic faiths. She embodies this vocation every day through Zaman with an outpouring of service to at-risk families both in the U.S. and around the world.

From her global perspective, Najah wrote The Beauty of Ramadan to help Muslims and non-Muslims understand the many complex traditions associated with the month of fasting. The book is especially helpful to community leaders who are trying to understand what Muslim families experience.

Care to learn more about Ramadan right now?

Here is a recent interview with Najah about the basic customs of this holy month of fasting and reflection.

The Beauty of Ramadan

Get your copy

Najah’s book The Beauty of Ramadan is available through Amazon or our own Front Edge Publishing bookstore or Barnes & Noble.

What’s in the book?

Here is the book’s Table of Contents:

Preparing Our Hearts and Minds
The Blessing of the Holy Month of Ramadan
Sermon on the Reception of the Holy Month of Ramadan
Islamic Perspectives on Fasting
What does the word Ramadan mean?
When does the month of Ramadan begin and end?
Why Should a Person Fast?
Why We Fast
Healthy and Helpful in Many Ways
Psychological Benefits
Spiritual Benefits
Benefits to the Community
Dos and Don’ts of Fasting
Making Your Intention or Niyyah to Begin Your Fast
Who Is Exempt from the Fast?
Situations That Can Invalidate Your Fast
Strongly Discouraged Behaviors for a Fasting Person.
Behaviors That Do NOT Invalidate Your Fast
Making Up Your Fast and Paying Charity
Kaffarah for These Intentional Acts
A Few Other Situations That Commonly Arise
Night of Destiny, Fate, Power
The Night of Destiny, Fate and Power: Laylat al-Qadr
Reflection During the Night of Power
The End of Ramadan
The New Moon
The Day of Eid
Eid: Recommended But Not Mandatory Practices
Eid: Giving of Charity and Alms
Eid: Clothing and Other Traditions
Beautiful Praises of God
A Supplication for this month: Duaa Al Iftitah

About David Crumm

David Crumm is founding Editor of Front Edge Publishing. Nationally, he is known as a veteran journalist—a top writer and editor—with experience both in the U.S. and overseas. He is based in Canton, Michigan, where he also serves as Editor of Read the Spirit online magazine. His columns on trends in media appear twice a month on our Front Edge Publishing website.

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