Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) lays out a new map of the journey toward producing a book

Click on this snapshot of the IBPA’s new “Publishing Map” to jump to the PDF posted by IBPA that is free to download and explore.

We are active members of the IPBA and support best practices in Hybrid Publishing

Our longtime authors have heard us talk and write about “best practices in Hybrid Publishing” over many years. For example, when the IBPA strengthened its best-practice code a couple of years ago, we were once again among the first publishers to sign the new pledge. (Here’s our story on that.)

Now, the IBPA has produced a very helpful new PDF-format guide to what the IBPA has identified as eight main pathways to publication

We are encouraging prospective authors and existing authors to check out this detailed guide to the many approaches to producing a book.

This new guide is 19 pages long! And we are pleased the IBPA has so carefully described these many options.

Our main clarification on the IBPA’s new map is that, among Hybrid Publishers, we are unique in the forms of marketing we provide in partnership with our authors.

We have formed a real and helpful “community of authors” who enjoy encouraging and helping each other, as they are able.

From our founding in 2007, we established a now-very-popular online magazine Because many of our founding professionals are journalists, running such a magazine seemed natural to us as a way to build community and share news around the world. Now, in 2024, we have published well over 850 issues and this unique asset allows us to partner with other publishers to help tell the stories of their books that touch on themes of special interest to our community.

And, our marketing is more robust and long-term compared with other Hybrids.

Care to learn more? Please contact us at [email protected] 


About David Crumm

David Crumm is founding Editor of Front Edge Publishing. Nationally, he is known as a veteran journalist—a top writer and editor—with experience both in the U.S. and overseas. He is based in Canton, Michigan, where he also serves as Editor of Read the Spirit online magazine. His columns on trends in media appear twice a month on our Front Edge Publishing website.

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