Howard Brown and Mindy Corporon encourage a national conversation on resilience

Clicking on this banner from Debra Eckerling’s website will take you to a video of this three-way conversation.

‘The Embodiment of Resilience’

Two of our authors—Howard Brown and Mindy Corporon—talked recently with goal-setting expert Debra Eckerling about the importance of resilience in the midst of the ongoing COVID pandemic.

“You two are the embodiment of resilience,” says Debra, a motivational speaker, business consultant and podcaster whose online home is a website called The Deb Method: Goal Setting Simplified.

Howard is a two-time survivor of Stage IV cancer and the author of the upcoming book Shining Brightly; and Mindy’s family survived the murder of two loved ones during a 2014 terrorist attack, which she describes in the inspirational memoir Healing a Shattered Soul.

One of the keys to resilience is community—recognizing that we are not alone and then opening up our lives so that we welcome help from others. That’s one of the main points this trio highlights in their video.

Our Publishing House Is a Community

As these three experts begin talking about resiliency, Mindy Corporon points out one of the core principles of Front Edge Publishing: We are a community. We were founded in 2007 to raise up important, creative and inspiring voices—telling stories that our world needs to hear.

As Mindy shares her own experience, she says, “I feel blessed to be part of this publishing group.”

She was introduced to our community of writers by her friend in Kansas City: journalist Bill Tammeus whose Front Edge book is also about resilience, Love, Loss and Endurance.

Mindy decided to join our community—and we welcomed the opportunity to publish her memoir—about the same time we also were welcoming Howard Brown.

Coming full circle, Mindy says, “Now, Howard has invited me to appear with you, Deb.”

These connections between colleagues are actively encouraged by our publishing house team and lead to doorways into national conversations like this new podcast with Debra Eckerling.

Please, take a few moments to enjoy this conversation about resilience with Deb.

Then, follow the example these three recommend: Reach out.

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About David Crumm

David Crumm is founding Editor of Front Edge Publishing. Nationally, he is known as a veteran journalist—a top writer and editor—with experience both in the U.S. and overseas. He is based in Canton, Michigan, where he also serves as Editor of Read the Spirit online magazine. His columns on trends in media appear twice a month on our Front Edge Publishing website.

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