Howard Brown: ‘It’s All about Relationships.’ Just meet Magie Cook!

NEED INSPIRATION? Just watch this 6-minute video with the amazing Magie Cook, a recent guest on my own Shining Brightly podcast (you’ll find a link to that below). Why is this conversation so important? Because—our true calling as authors is to connect lives every day through the books we write, the conversations we have and the relationships we build.
—Howard Brown

When I started working with David Crumm and the team at Front Edge Publishing, I kept hearing about “community.” David talks a lot about the motto: “Good media builds healthy community.” I like that because it’s the same idea I’ve been promoting in so many ways for decades as an entrepreneur, an interfaith peacemaker and a two-time survivor of Stage IV cancer. 

It’s all about relationships. When I talk to audiences at conferences about resilience, and tell them my story of overcoming what amounted to death sentences from advanced cancer—not once, but twice in my life—I always say: “Fighting cancer is a team sport. You can’t do it alone.”

The same is true with building bridges in interfaith and cross-cultural peacemaking.

And, it’s especially true if you want to become a successful entrepreneur. In my memoir, Shining BrightlyI include some fun stories about the valuable life-lessons I learned as a kid from my father, a traveling shoe salesman. Building a business depends on the solid relationships you form.

And that’s why I’m devoting time to welcoming a wide range of guests to weekly podcasts that I post to my own website, 

Let’s meet Magie … 

Please, visit my website and select Podcast No. 16, “Your Purpose is You with Magie Clark.

About Howard Brown

Howard Brown is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, two-time stage IV cancer survivor, author, speaker, volunteer, peacemaker, and health care advocate. He is the author of the memoir, Shining Brightly.

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